
For Turmoil, who is with me all the time.

Developed with EasyX and FMOD.

- Download -

Dungeon v1.0.3 2022.08.23

Download Portable zip file if virus is reported for the setup executable. But I swear it won't harm your PC.

- Screenshots -

v1.1.1 Xmas - The final version. All features available!


v1.0.3 Xmas - Special Edition for Christmas! More weapons! More enemies! More surprise!


v1.0.3 - Primary features.


- Description -

Greetings, young Adventurer!

You accidentally entered a dungeon in the sky, which is full of dangers. However, with your wisdom and courage, you may defeat the enemies and get out of there.

There are four levels of difficulty you can choose in the settings. But be warned, they may not be friendly! :)

- Version -

v1.1.1 Xmas


This is finally, a COMPLETE version, which realized all my initial thoughts, including the essential features of Infinite and Non-Infinite mode, Shopping system, Load & Save system and Boss challenge. Thanks to Dungine, all these are done much, much more easier. Sadly, this "might" be the final version. :(

Infinite mode is now online! You can choose to play in infinite mode before you enter the game. Enjoy the massive waves of enemies!

Fixed bullets bounce bugs.

Game details improved.

Game log is now available. If game crashes, you can look at "log.txt" for more information. Or send it to us. We're really sorry for this. :(

As you can see in the screenshots, game will NO LONGER CRASH even if there are tons of objects rendered on the screen. And it won't get any latency in such case. (Perhaps because of my Laptop's excellent performance? :P) (This is just for test, you won't really face so many buddies.)


There is a critical bug, or defect in Dungine's UI, so subtle but so serious. However, you won't feel its existence, unless you want to develop your game with it.

v1.1.0 Xmas


This is a nearly complete version, which realized almost all my initial thoughts. In this version, you'll see many old faces. They all come for Christmas.

Game now support save file. You can save your progress at the beginning arena of each level, or flash back to your previous save. Only one save at a time.

Melee weapons can now bounce bullets. Hmm... There is a little scratch here, the process is not perfect.

Improved game engine for better experience.

Sound details improved.


Melee weapon may not bounce bullets nice and nea-to.

v1.0.3 Xmas


Added many fancy elements.

Improved visual experience.

Enhanced game engine for better UI.

Reduced the number of levels in each chapter.

Some adjustments to game balance.

Fixed some hidden bugs.


Close the game through close button of Windows frame is not recommended.



Some minor changes.


Still, may crash for unknown reason. (Too rare.)



Changed from Console Application to Windows Application.

Improved some details.





Now there is a powerful Boss at the end of each chapter.

Some visual gliches are fixed.

Game balance improved.

Previous bugs are fixed.

Perhaps added more bugs. :(





This is the first stable version. It is a complete refactoring of v0.1.0.

In this version, many design patterns are applied. Flexibility and expansibility are greatly improved.


1. Enemies may be a little stupid.

2. Weapon state may be skipped by swiching.



This is still a demo in test, so it doesn't yet have its full potential. :(


1. Collision check often fails.

2. Hero makes unwanted moves after initialization.

3. Game may crash randomly. (Cannot be traced.)



This is the most complicated project I've ever done. With all the knowledge of C++, I could finish this. As my first implementation of a shabby game enigne, I practiced some basic design patterns, and for the first time experienced the convenience of adding or removing features in component pattern, or the ECS mode. Fun, it is, to do such stuff.


I imagined such a project to resemble Soul Knight even before the previous project - Jumper, but was afraid to do this because of lack of experience. After that, however, the voice within called me, and Dungeon was born.

Many things happened during this project, and it turned out to be a mixture of complex feelings. Thinking back for version 0.1.0, so eager was I to create something different, but not aware of good design, thus it was a failure from the very beginning :D. However, it was very successful, as it taught me the harm of bad code.

Then, things started to change. Inspired by the ease of use of component in Unity, I decided to create an engine for my own. It was so promising, and with the failure before, I was aware of the traps of a large project. To invest more into this, New Desire Studios was established, to fully dedicate to this mission. And the engine got a perfect name - DUNGINE! (DUNGeon enGINE)

With the primary structure partly remained, every thing went well, except that the schedule got a little delay. The project "physically" started on March 31, I think? It took us longer than we expected. We didn't make it within the summer holiday. However, it got a chance to become the project for the transitional semester. My peers were great, and they made great works. BUT, they use commercial game engine to realize fancy effects! Gaining an advantage of self written Dungine, I'm lucky to be the No.1, with Dungeon v1.0.0 released. Sadly, not all of my initial thoughts were realized.

The potential of Dungine was not fully discovered yet, however. As time went by, more and more features were added to it, and it became more and more complete. As Christmas approaching, the development came to the final touch. The engine almost reached its full potential, and unfortunately, or I should say inevitably, got an unrepairable defect in rendering animation widgets. So, this is it, right? Just practice and enjoy coding, and this is enough. Now, I guess, it's time to prepare for the ultimate release. :)

-- New Desire Studios, Dec. 23, 2022

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